We've made server stabilities fixes, make all the Ultimate Dungeons functional with brand new gears and much more, let's check out

- Dragon Ball Hunt is now available 24/7! Gather your Dragon Balls at any time!
- Fixed few low-level quest issues for a smoother early-game experience.
- The Time Room introduction quest has been made easier.
- Token Shop Update: A wide variety of items have been added at cheap prices to support testing and exploration.
- Saiyaman Dance now works correctly for Majin Female characters.
- The difficulty of Ultimate Monster Mash has been adjusted—feedback on balance is welcome!
- Instant Kameha now functions properly at its maximum range.
- Ask Popo’s Help!! cast time has been slightly adjusted (4s → 5s).
- Multiple crash fixes to improve server stability.
- All Ultimate Dungeons are now fully functional—Discover brand new gears!
A Big Thank You!
We deeply appreciate all the players who have helped us test during these challenging first days of the Public Beta. Your patience and support have been invaluable. Thank you for being part of this very early journey!
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