Instant Transmission rework.


Jan 15, 2025
Remove it from Dende Priest and Fighter skills tree, and rework it to be obtainable by all classes similar to Dragon buffs.

A few idea of how this now universal skill could be acquired.

Tier 2 dragonball wish. This adds to the wish pool diversity. The most accessible option and my least favorite.

Scramble wish same as above, but less accessible.

Budokai reward. This makes the skill more of a flex on other players. showing off your victory. My personal favorite option.
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On top of those two skills being apart of the classes' identity, as well as a drastic increase in vehicle/bus/flight speed, there already is a plethora of transportation.
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It's a niche utility ability that wastes a skill point otherwise. Removing it from the 2 classes doesn't hurt their class identity.
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